Saturday, June 22, 2019

Farewell Taiwan

Warning ⚠️ Reflective and Gushy Feelings Ahead!

Goodbyes are never easy... but this doesn’t seem like goodbye. More of a sweet than bitter point in my life. I have really grown as a person and my point of view on many topics has changed. This whole study abroad experience is much more full than it looks on the surface (or at least how I imagined it would be). Not only have I been able to be immersed in the Taiwanese culture, but also be exposed to so many other cultures from my peers that were from all over the world, and from all the places I have been blessed enough to visit. Patience is an overwhelming lesson, not just in cross language communication, but with transportation, sickness, and learning a new language too. Many people have told me I am lucky that English is my first language, but I do feel like I am under accomplished only knowing one language well, and a couple others, well, not well at all, haha. So, I feel more inspired than I did before to get better at my basic other languages. My friendships here have been like no others. We all are so different, but what brought us together was our sense of adventure. This is a really good trait to share between friends. I’ll forever have these wonderful faces in my memories.

I don’t think I ever got truly homesick, but now that it is time to go back I feel like it’s a right time. There is still so much I’d like to do and see, and one day I’d like to return. As of now though, I really had a full journey. I did so many things, made so many friends, and felt so many emotions. Currently, I feel like the thing I’ll miss most about Taiwan is the food... that will probably change, haha. Maybe it’s just because I haven’t had lunch yet. 😅

Here is a blurb from an experience summary that I wrote for my university here in Taiwan that sums up some other feels as well:
“It is a crazy feeling, now after being in Taichung, Taiwan for five months, to look back on the first days here and see how something so foreign can become something that feels so much like home. Taiwan, Taichung, and Providence University has really become a place where I feel comfortable, safe, and like I am leaving a piece of myself behind now that it is time to go. I will forever cherish the special moments and memories that I have made in my time here.
Taichung, and Providence University itself, was a change for me as my hometown and university back home are both very small. So coming abroad allowed me to experience another side of college life. Also with the dorms. I had never lived in the dorms before, and being put together with so many girls of different cultures really was able to develop me as a person as friendships blossomed.
The whole exchange experience was an awesome experience, in that not only was I able to see what Taiwan was like, but be able to peak into the cultures of the different people from all over the world that also came to study here too. Now I really have friends from every continent and already have plans to travel and visit them.
It is also a very humbling experience living in some place, not just going on vacation, to a region where you don’t speak the language. It teaches you patience and allows you to see how important other non-verbal ways of communication are. Being somewhere so different from home has also allowed me to appreciate not only my experience abroad, but appreciate small things back home that I would usually take for granted.
Traveling to other areas of Asia has been a huge highlight for me. In total I will have been to nine other countries in these past five months. Each culture is so vastly different, and exceeded all my expectations on what different cultures in Asia are like. And, I am a huge fan of the food! Each area of the world has a different style or spin on dishes, and good food really helps make a trip. I really enjoyed the food in Taiwan as well. And, I will definitely return for friend dumplings, beef noodles, and bubble milk tea.
Classes at Providence University have been a slight change as well. I am a science major back home, so switching to business, cultural, and language classes has been a shift for me. I have really enjoyed learning these new topics and building an international perspective on teamwork. The Chinese language is a wonderful challenge, and I have really enjoyed beginning to learn the basics. I will continue to try and learn back home as well.
This whole experience in Taiwan has been life changing.“

This past month I have been trying to travel as much as possible, finish my courses, complete the check out processes, and just live in the moment - so, yes, I apologize my blog has been neglected! I’ve got some half finished blogs about my travels that I’ll put out there after I say hi to my family back home. Also, if you are wanting to study abroad, WRITE A BLOG or keep a journal. I am so happy I have this blog and can look back and think, “Wow, I really though that?!” or “Man, I’ve come a long way.” It’s a cool feeling. I feel so blessed and thankful. Huge thank you’s are in store for everyone who has helped and supported me! ❤️

It’s been a wild ride, and to finish my time in Taichung, Taiwan I decided to get a hair cut. What trust you have to put in someone who can’t speak your language.... HAHA. It ended up being cut shorter than I wanted, but oh well, what another very cultural experience, AND it was only the equivalent of $4 USD. Oh ya, I feel like my simple math has gotten better with all these exchange rates. Now I just hope my family still recognizes me! 😂

Now it’s time for one last adventure before returning state side! ✈️
See you then,